UDOM | Cambodia

Even though Udom’s father served his sentence in prison, he didn’t come home upon his release. Instead, he married another woman. Udom’s mom struggles with various issues and has disassociated from her family. Udom and his siblings live with his grandmother.

Though his grandmother sews for a living, she doesn’t make enough income to support her family. Their one-room house is simple, with tin walls and roof, but it’s tidy and clean.

Through the support provided through our child sponsorship program, Udom loves going to school, and he and his siblings can now eat until they are full. He treasures the letters sent to him by his sponsors. These letters are well-read, but stored so carefully.

Udom’s grandmother says, “Thank you! You have helped us be happy all the time! May God bless you!”

Give a child like Udom nutritious food and much more.

Learn more about our child sponsorship program