Trauma-Informed Restorative Dialogue

I’m delighted to announce that my book, “Trauma-Informed Restorative Dialogues – The Power of Community”, is now available for pre-order from Routledge Taylor & Francis Group!
This book explores the need for a trauma-informed approach to restorative justice and the power of community in healing and rehabilitation. It introduces trauma-informed restorative dialogues, an approach that expands access to restorative justice when direct meetings between victims and offenders are not possible. Drawing on insights from victims, facilitators, and offenders across five European countries, it offers practical guidance on developing these dialogues in a trauma-informed way. It also addresses secondary trauma among practitioners, providing strategies for self-care and organisational support.
Writing this book has been an intense journey, and I would never have reached the finish line without the support of so many people.
Many thanks to my editor, Kerry Clamp, for encouraging me to embark on this journey. My heartfelt thanks to Megan Thomas, Aurélie Stoll, Claudia Campistol Mas, PhD and Mina Rauschenbach for your unwavering support and encouragement.
This book would not exist without the fantastic facilitators of the Swiss RJ Forum, whose dedication has shaped this programme over the past years. My heartfelt appreciation to Karine Richard, Valérie Kernen, Janique Porchet, Kenny Chengalaran, Werner Burkhard, Bruno Graber, and Marco Mona, who have worked tirelessly to adapt this approach to diverse contexts.
I am also deeply grateful to the programme participants, some of whom contributed to the research, helping to refine and enhance the programme. It is an honour to work with you!
A huge thank you to all my interview partners, including facilitators and individuals affected by crime from across Europe, for sharing their invaluable insights. Special thanks to Emanuela Biffi and Roberto Moreno from the “Encounter of Encounters”, as well as Salomé Van Billoen and Roland Prévot from “Retissons du Lien”, for shedding light on two extraordinary initiatives.
I am also incredibly grateful to ivo aertsen, Daniela Bolívar, Tim Chapman, and Kay Pranis for reading the book pre-publication and providing their invaluable perspectives.
I hope this book encourages the conscious implementation of restorative justice in a trauma-informed way and helps new initiatives grow. Let’s not forget the power of community – for both those who have experienced harm and those responsible for it. Both recovery from trauma and desistance from crime require safe, trusting and supportive relationships.
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