Prison Fellowship Burkina Faso recently launched The Listener’s Way in Bobodioulasso, the nation’s second-largest city which holds one of the country’s biggest prisons. While The Prisoner’s Journey is already running in prisons around the country, even more prisoners will be able to experience the Good News of the Gospel in their heart language thanks to this expanded programming offering.

Prison Fellowship Burkina Faso’s Executive Director and Program Coordinator for The Listener’s Way [left] had the opportunity to present the program at one of the largest churches in Bobodioulasso to recruit and mobilize volunteers. Church interaction is beneficial for incarcerated participants as they re-enter society. The relationships they have built with program facilitators often lead to a sense of community and a church home for them once they are released and as they continue their relationship with Christ.

Engaging with churches is also a primary way that National Ministries source volunteers, who undergo training to learn about the material, participant engagement and program best practices. Volunteers, like the one pictured on the right, have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the equipment and go through parts of the course during this training to be able to better connect with participants and answer questions they may be asked. Once trained, volunteers are certified program facilitators and work with the national Prison Fellowship ministry to run course sessions in prisons around the country.