Using an eight-session curriculum based on the story of Jesus‘ encounter with Zacchaeus, Sycamore Tree Project: Justice and Peace increases prisoner awareness of how crime harms victims, what is needed to make amends and how to be peacemakers in the future.
Prisoners are invited to join by a program facilitator, chaplain, another prisoner or at an event.
Prisoners and victims dialogue in small groups to reflect on the harm and ripple effects of crime.
Graduates join growth programs to continue efforts to reduce crime and increase peace.
Since 1996, prisoners’ lives around the globe have been repaired and the cycle of crime and recidivism has been broken through restorative practices.
Explore stories of life transformation and change from around the world thanks to Sycamore Tree Project! These storyboards – past and present – share real examples of program participant's spiritual and personal growth and demonstrate how this program is truly making a difference.
Explore the StoryboardsSycamore Tree Project equips your ministry to bring offenders and victims together in a powerful restorative process rooted in biblical principles, enabling healing and hope to flourish in your community. This video illustrates how this powerful program can help you make a lasting difference in the lives of those you serve, along with their families, victims and communities.
Watch VideoAfter years of estrangement and a life marred by crime, Eduardo* found redemption and reconciliation through the Sycamore Tree Project while serving a 14-year prison sentence. By confronting his past and seeking forgiveness from his mother, Eduardo embarked on a transformative journey that mended their broken relationship and changed both their lives forever.
Read Full StoryFor more information about Sycamore Tree Project: Justice and Peace or to request this program for your ministry, please contact your Regional Director.
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