Understanding Through Engagement

Inspired by the story of Philip and the Ethiopian, the heart of Bible League International’s global strategy is Project Philip, a Bible study program that trains local church members in evangelism and discipleship and has been adapted for use inside prisons.

How It Works

Understanding Scripture

Leaders and volunteers are trained and invite others to study the Gospel of John. Participants receive a personal Bible.

Evangelism and Discipleship

Bible studies deepen participants' Scriptural knowledge. Graduation levels reflect the number of completed study sessions.

Becoming Philips

Advanced studies prepare believers to become study leaders ("Philips") to help others understand God’s Word.

The Results

Since 2020, prisoners around the globe have found freedom in Jesus Christ by engaging with the Gospel’s redeeming message and have received their own easy-to-read prison Bible.

Listening Groups
Gold Graduates
Silver Graduates
Bronze Graduates

Program Impact in Action

Prison Fellowship International and Bible League International Celebrate More Than 500,000 Bibles Distributed

Prison Fellowship International (PFI) and Bible League International (BLI) mark their 10-year partnership with a new agreement to triple their service to prisoners over the next five years. In the past 10 years, the organizations have distributed over 550,000 Bibles.

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For more information about Prison Project Philip or to request this program for your ministry, please contact your Regional Director.

Contact Your Regional Director