Nico is the youngest in a family of six children. With the 10-year age gap between him and his older siblings, growing up Nico felt isolated, rejected, and small.
When his father turned a past addiction into a lucrative business by opening a tavern, most of Nico’s growing up years were spent in the tavern. He spent his formative years surrounded by violence, watching adults brawling and selling themselves. Nico’s father showed his love by buying whatever Nico wanted. This taught Nico to demand more things. His poor choices and violent behavior escalated as years passed. By age 18, Nico was involved in small-time mafia. Nico lived extravagantly, but emotionally he was tormented.
One day, a fight with his wife resulted in him killing one of her children. He was sentenced to 15 years in prison. When he was released, Nico’s old habits returned and his violence increased. Sentenced to life in prison for the murder of his second wife, Nico tried to commit suicide twice.
“The doors of hoped closed,” he says, and he cried to Jesus.
Several years later, in June of 2012, Jesus met him in a real way during The Prisoner’s Journey® evangelization and discipleship program. During the course, Jesus “revealed His love and grace and forgiveness to me,” Nico says. “I obtained peace.”
Nico knows Jesus as his Lord and Savior, and continues to learn about God. He has been baptized.
“I know I have been given a place in Heaven,” Nico says. “It’s not because of what I have done, but because of what Jesus did for me. He died for me and shed his blood for me so I can be peaceful, happy, kind, self-controlled, persevering, patient, and I feel His love for me.”
Nico continues, “It’s a long journey of a life sentence with no visitation or support system. But His grace encompasses me. I cannot love Him as much as Jesus loves me. I feel Him daily, and when I fall, He lifts me up. I’m free and waiting for Jesus to welcome me into Heaven. ‘If the Son sets you free, you are free indeed.’”
Help prisoners like Nico find peace through Jesus Christ.