Francis was heartbroken when his father was sent to prison. As a pre-teen boy, he didn’t know how to safely express his feelings of hurt and anger. He began regularly getting into fights and failing his classes. His mother prayed constantly that she wouldn’t also lose her son to the prison system, just like she had her husband. She knew he was on the wrong track, but felt powerless to give him all the support he needed.
When she found out about The Child’s Journey, she enrolled Francis and stressed that what she desired more than anything was to see her son succeed again. The road to building trust with Francis wasn’t easy, but his caseworker’s constant communication with him and in-person mentorship helped encourage him to improve his behavior. With the help of a collaborating psychologist, provided by The Child’s Journey, who offered professional assistance to Francis over time, he has drastically changed. He is no longer the angry, guarded boy that The Child’s Journey staff first met.
Today, Francis is a responsible son who cares for others and does not lash out at his family and peers like he used to do. His mother is grateful for The Child’s Journey’s support and protection and is thankful that they did not leave her alone in this difficult situation.
“Today I have a child who cares about others, for which I am thankful to this program that provides protection to our children and trains its team to do a good job in the name of Jesus.”
You can transform the lives of children like Francis today – to break the cycle of crime for good!