Do you know why God laughs? I think it is because He knows the end from the beginning and has stated, “I have chosen this man to be King, and he will rule on Zion, my holy mountain.” His confidence passed onto and through His people, is that there is already a King on the throne. Nothing can alter that fact. Not only is there a King on the throne, but we are also His people and His ambassadors.
And He’s chosen us to serve prisoners, their families and victims in our daily work – groups that many others say “no” to care for even though He’s chosen them too.
We are privileged to do this work. No matter what challenges come against us, God declares, “I’ve installed my son as King.” And we know from elsewhere in the Bible that in Him, by Him and through Him, all things have been created and there is nothing that can stop what God is doing in our world through Jesus Christ. It began on Resurrection Sunday and will continue into eternity.
We are involved in something really important. In Isaiah 61:1, the Son of God (the King that God refers to in Psalm 2) stands up and announces His Kingdom mission and mentions the prisoner twice. That double mention assures us that this is Kingdom work of the highest order.
Through His own grace and mercy, this is what God has called us to. And though the challenges may be significant and various, we can have confidence that allows the same joy in our heart that causes God’s laughter to be ours too.
This is the fight of faith: what the Bible defines as the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. When we are tempted to doubt this, remember that we are the people He has called to do this work.
We are not here by accident. And because of this, He will empower us and provide everything that we need. He is our refuge and strength and utterly reliable. This is great news when all around us seems to be shifting and shaking.
So today, again, let’s trust the King’s power, promises, authority and strength as we go about our daily tasks. Selah. As the Book of Common Prayer so beautifully says, “worthy are you to be praised and exalted forever.” Selah.