Prison Fellowship International is a global association of national organizations committed to pursuing justice and healing in response to crime to the end that offenders are transformed, relationships are reconciled and communities are restored.
Over Zoom and email, Prison Fellowship International will learn more about your ministry and see if you would be a good fit.
Once pre-qualified, Prison Fellowship International staff will visit you in-person to ensure we fully understandyour ministry.
Membership is approved by the Prison Fellowship International's COO and requires charter agreement compliance.
Chartering signifies your ministry accepts the responsibilities of belonging to the Prison Fellowship International global family.
The charter agreement has a 5-year duration and is renewable. The annual $100 fee is paid on the agreement anniversary.
As a chartered member, your ministry will receive access to the global identity, networking opportunities, resources for ministry activities and more.
Answer the call in Matthew 25: ‘I was in prison, and you came to visit me.’ For more than 2,000 years, Christians have sought to follow Jesus’ command, yet ministry to this often-overlooked population is only just beginning.
Prison Fellowship International is the largest movement of Christian ministries working in the criminal justice field. Our organization is officially recognized by the United Nations and other regional and international bodies.
Members gain access to a vast network of prison ministry experts and practitioners, offering opportunities for collaboration and shared problem-solving. Through annual regional forums and training events, members deepen their knowledge, refine their strategies and connect with a like-minded community, united by a shared mission.
Members stay in the know through access to regular global communications, including Touchstone Digest and regional newsletters.
Members have special access to materials in support of best practices, including but not limited to Angel Tree, Week of Prayer and Communities of Restoration & APAC
Members have access to region-specific learning opportunities through forums, training events and onsite technical assistance.
Upon agreement, members may enter special program partnerships to implement Prison Fellowship International programs, including Sycamore Tree Project, The Listener's Way and PromisePath.
Members receive visits from Prison Fellowship International at least once every five years to complete a baseline assessment and develop a plan to increase ministry capacity.
Each region is represented by a Regional Director and support staff. Send out their own region-specific communication.
When chartering a new National Ministry, Prison Fellowship International seeks to work with individuals and organizations that show evidence of success, a passion for prison ministry, and a clear and credible growth strategy. Before chartering, the focus is on understanding their reasons for joining, including how they expect their organization will benefit and how they can contribute to the global movement.
National Ministries are Christian organizations that follow the Apostles' or Nicene Creeds and relate to Prison Fellowship International's mission.
National Ministries work with prison chaplaincies, local Christian churches and other organizations, representing diverse Christian denominations.
National Ministries should desire to grow on a national level and are committed to developing the organizational capacity to do so.
National Ministries should have some level of development, including volunteers, fundraising, strategy, Board involvement and legal status.