Introducing Jesus the Prisoner to Those in Prison

Prisoners are isolated, scorned, shamed and abandoned in systems that prioritizes punishment over restoration. The Prisoner’s Journey introduces those in prison to a restorative relationship with Jesus Christ, with many finding spiritual freedom and healing.

How It Works


Prisoners are invited to join the course by a program facilitator, chaplain, another prisoner or at an event.


Participants meet weekly in small groups to learn about who Jesus is, what He calls them to do.


Course graduates are recognized and celebrated at a ceremony and receive a Bible and a completion certificate.


Course graduates are invited to enroll in further programs to develop a deeper knowledge of Jesus.

The Results

Since 2014, prisoners around the globe have been transformed from the inside out through an introduction to a restorative relationship with Jesus Christ.


Program Impact in Action

Program Storyboards

Explore stories of life transformation and change from around the world thanks to The Prisoner's Journey! These storyboards – past and present – share real examples of program participant's spiritual and personal growth and demonstrate how this program is truly making a difference.

Explore the Storyboards

Bringing Light into Darkness

Experience the life-changing impact of introducing prisoners to the hope and freedom found in Jesus Christ. The Prisoner’s Journey empowers your ministry to guide prisoners through a transformative exploration of the Gospel using Jesus' life as a model. This video shows how this proven program helps you share the Good News of the Gospel behind prison walls.

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Celebrating Ten Years – The Prisoner's Journey Reaches Milestone Anniversary

Prison Fellowship International’s flagship in-prison program, The Prisoner’s Journey, has reached its 10-year anniversary. This program, launched in South Africa and Nigeria in 2014, now runs in 35 countries across six continents.

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Evidence of Change

How We Know It Works

Prison Fellowship International commissioned a study with Dr. Byron Johnson and Baylor University to find out if The Prisoner’s Journey truly changed lives. Anecdotal evidence of transformation had been shared, but Prison Fellowship International wanted proof. This third-party study determined that The Prisoner’s Journey increases prisoners’ religious involvement, motivation for identify transformation and growth of virtues. In short, it is proven to create positive change from the inside out. Participants showed reduced negative feelings and less aggressive behavior – contributing to safer prison environments.


For more information about The Prisoner's Journey or to request this program for your ministry, please contact your Regional Director.

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