YAN | Colombia

Yan’s parents are both pastors. He grew up in a Christian home and developed a deep love for God and His church.

Yan decided to devote his life to working for the Lord, desperately wanting to make a difference in his country, and especially for his small hometown in San José de Uré- Córdoba, Colombia. Yan prepared for this calling by studying theology and served in different places as a missionary. But it wasn’t until he started managing The Prisoner’s Journey® in-prison evangelism and discipleship program that the Lord showed him how he could serve his country and his hometown.

“It has been rewarding to see how God, every passing day, transforms lives and gives me more love for the incarcerated—either guilty or innocent.”


Yan has met several men and women from his hometown, who are serving sentences—people he grew up with, studied with, and even evangelized to

“It was sad to see my fellow citizens crying behind bars, but it was also miraculous and joyful to see them transformed by the Lord and through The Prisoner’s Journey®,” says Yan.

Yan has ministered to many prisoners. Some refused to accept Christ, but after many years, and Yan’s continued prayers and faithful ministry to them, the inmates participated in The Prisoner’s Journey®, and experienced transformation from the inside out, accepting Jesus Christ as their Savior.

Help prisoners learn about Christ’s love and redemption.

Learn more about The Prisoner’s Journey®