Born into a family of pastors in Venezuela, Felipe’s life took a drastic turn following a scandal involving his family’s church. Economic hardships compounded by the fallout from the scandal led Felipe down a path of darkness, where he fled the country and found himself entangled in a criminal syndicate terrorizing Colombia. But God intervened and Felipe’s criminal endeavors came to an abrupt end when he was apprehended and sentenced to nearly 10 years in a maximum-security prison for kidnapping, extortion, and conspiracy to commit a crime.
Felipe’s future seemed bleak but amidst the darkness of his incarceration, a glimmer of hope emerged: he was invited to join The Prisoner’s Journey. Felipe was initially hesitant as lingering resentment towards God from the loss of everything he held dear made him wary. In a moment of divine intervention, he felt a strange stirring within him. His life once again encountered a turning point when he attended a course session and was immediately surrounded by prayer and support.
With each lesson, Felipe encountered Christ’s boundless love, forgiveness and mercy. Since completing the course, his heart now overflows with newfound faith and a determination to seek forgiveness from those he once wronged.
Today, he faithfully attends church in the prison yard and inspires fellow inmates with his transformed life. Every day, he discovers more about God’s love and dreams of the day he can reunite with his loved ones, sharing the incredible journey of redemption that Christ has orchestrated in his life