Nearly 1 million prisoners across Africa are locked away and forgotten. The Prison Fellowship family of ministries across the region serves prisoners, ex-prisoners, their families and victims of crime through 33 affiliates.
They are cut off from their communities with little to no means of rehabilitation—a practice unknown to Africa until Europeans introduced the penal system in the late nineteenth century to curb rebellious acts and maintain order. While pretrial detention was common, the African justice system focused on repairing wrongdoings by compensating victims rather than punishing offenders.
In the current system, many prisoners in Africa face harsh conditions such as overcrowding, in-prison violence, poorly managed prison systems, in-humane health conditions, and watch their children suffer, either in detainment with them or in poverty in their communities.
Whether sharing the Good News, serving children and families, engaging offenders and victims in restorative programs or supporting in reintegration efforts, our teams across the region are transforming thousands of lives every day.
It is important to know you are in this calling because you are called by God. He can be trusted to see you through the storms of life. Whatever causes doubt—whether it’s your abilities or ministry/work—God can be trusted. The word of God is ‘sharper than any two-edged sword’ (Hebrews 4:12). It is an effective weapon that can bring security and assurance when we feel shaken. Through prayer you demonstrate your dependence on God. Therefore, pray even when you don’t feel like praying.